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IFS coaching

As an IFS Practitioner, Life Coach, and Integral Counselor, I use the Internal Family Systems method in my practice. I have found IFS to be the most respectful, gentle – and yet brilliantly effective – approach for uncovering the internal dynamics behind the difficulties we encounter in our day to day life. Parts work with IFS leads to deep transformation; it naturally loosens the rigidified patterns of deeply ingrained, reflex-like reactions that hinder inner growth and impede self-actualization, while also bringing you into alignment with your core Self – who you really are – and your true calling.   

Mapping out your parts, getting to know them and finding it in your heart to relate to them in a caring way organically bring more harmony, clarity, self-awareness and self-compassion to your internal system. This opens more space for conscious choice and allows you to access newly unfolding resources within you, empowering you to meet challenges and work towards your desired goals from a more confident, creative and resourced place.

The IFS process frees your natural capacity for self-healing. Rather than offering you external reference points and techniques for "self-improvement," my primary task as facilitator is to support you in finding your way back to yourself, to who you are deep down. In the process, you will also find the answers you seek; you will uncover the solution to your problem. For there is a place within you that already has all the innate wisdom, capacity and knowhow you need to shed the feelings and beliefs that no longer serve your growth. Letting go of those old patterns, in turn, allows you to unlock your inspiration and creativity, so that you can live a more deeply fulfilling life, and bring forth the unique gifts only you can offer this world.

Experience the transformative power of IFS!
To book an online session

or to find out more about how I work,

and whether my IFS Coaching practice is the right fit for you


+36 20 491 3946 

(I'm also available on WhatsApp)



60 min session:  80 USD/EUR

80 min session:   100 USD/EUR

Meet Zsofia

I am a Level 1-trained IFS Practitioner, Life Coach and Integral Counselor. At the age of 15, my family moved from Hungary to the USA. I spent the next 10 years of my life living and studying in upstate New York. Putting down roots in the US and making it my home as a teenager was a massive adjustment, filled with its own challenges and rewards. It required me to define myself, who I really was, irrespective of my environment and whatever place I called “home” at any given moment. An illness at the age of 20 drew my attention inward, to really ask the question once again. Who am I? It felt like I had been sleeping and now I was wide awake. I came to the realization that I was my own true home, and it was first and foremost myself that I was to turn to for companionship, security and stability. I understood: it was only once I had built that relationship with myself that I could connect and relate authentically to those around me. With this revelatory experience it also became clear to me that I would like to help others find a “home” in themselves and become excited about exploring their own inner world. Thirty years of living, working, learning and experiencing followed. I was "taking the scenic route" to be sure, but nonetheless travelling towards my calling consciously and continuously, trying to find that one method or approach that really resonated. Finally, five years ago, after having studied Jungian and Integral Psychology, I accidently stumbled upon a book on Internal Family Systems. I was instantly riveted. In IFS, everything I had experienced and learned throughout my life seemed to come together, suddenly all the puzzle pieces fell into place and a complete picture emerged. I knew I had finally reached the end of my search for the "how" and fully arrived into my calling. With the help of IFS, which has transformed my life and my relationship with my own internal world, I now have the joy and privilege of facilitating my clients’ journeys towards self-discovery, towards finding that eternal reference point within themselves, and realizing their true potential.

IFS training and related courses    


Internal Family Systems Institute (USA/UK)

IFS Level 1

(IFS L1 [1091]; Liz Martins, Sue Smith)

Internal Family Systems Institute (USA)

IFS Continuity Program 

Legacy & Cultural Burdens

(Ann Sinko, Richard Schwartz)

Direct Access  An Essential IFS Skill

(Frances Booth, Richard Schwartz)

Values & Beliefs in the Therapy Room – in progress 

 (Einat Bronstein, Richard Schwartz)

Internal Family Systems Counselling Association (Canada)

Working with Complex Systems workshop series

(Colleen West)


Internal Family Systems Counselling Association (Canada)


IFS - Deepening Your Core Practice (Derek Scott)

IFS - Self-led Grief (Derek Scott)              

Internal Family Systems Institute (USA)

IFS Online Circle

(Pamela Krause, Toni Herbine-Blank, Richard Schwartz)

Sounds True (USA) 

IFS Meets Compassionate Inquiry (Gabor Maté – Richard Schwartz)

Previous education and studies


Life Coach training (Budapest)


School of Integral Psychology (Budapest)


C.G. Jung Analytical Psychology Association of Hungary (Budapest)


MA Gender Studies (CEU, Budapest)


BA Biology (Bard College, NY, USA)

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